Homemade Dill Pickles



        So I started a garden this year, and it has actually done well! At first my cucumbers weren’t doing anything, but suddenly, one day, BOOM! Cucumbers everywhere. I’ve eaten more cucumber sandwiches than anything this summer, but being the only one who will eat cucumbers in my household (my husband is a pickier eater than a 4 year old), I still couldn’t keep up. So I decided to pickle them. I’m a pickle fiend and I’m picky about pickles, but homemade pickles are the best! These are great as a snack or as a side (I like to eat pickles with soup). So if you love pickles, give these a try!

Prep time: 20 minutes

Refrigeration time: 4 days

Total time: 4 days 20 minutes

What You’ll Need:

A glass jar with a tight seal (I used a 64 ounce mason jar, Ball brand)

6 or 7 large cucumbers

4 fresh heads of dill (I used 2 large and 2 small)

3 or 4 large cloves of garlic chopped (amount depends on taste)

1/4 large onion, chopped

1  1/3 cup white vinegar

3 1/2 cups water

1 tablespoon sugar

1 tablespoon salt


1. Bring the vinegar, water, salt, and sugar to a boil, stirring occasionally. After the mixture has been boiling about 2 minutes, remove from heat and allow it to cool.

2. While the vinegar, water, salt, and sugar mixture is cooling, prep your cucumbers, garlic, and onion. You can cut the cucumbers into spears or chips, depending on your own preference. I cut mine into spears. Chop the onion and garlic as well.


3. After cutting your cucumbers, onion, and garlic, place them into a 64 ounce jar. I put half of the onion at the bottom, filled the jar with cucumbers, sprinkled the garlic in, and put the rest of the onion in.

4. Next, add the fresh dill to the jar. I used 2 large heads and 2 small, but you can use about 3 large if you like. Try to wiggle the dill in different places. Don’t stick all of the dill in one part of the jar.

5. Once the vinegar, water, salt and sugar mixture has cooled, carefully pour it into the jar. I used a funnel to make this easier.

6. Seal the jar tightly and place into your refrigerator. Allow the pickles to refrigerate for 4 days before you eat them.

7. Eat them! 😀


Refrigerated jar sans 7 or 8 spears 😛